for hours,

i sat in the

marsh waiting

for you to return.

the tide did not

echo any calls for supper.

this was unusual.

my gumboot feet

kept sticking to

the mud syrup

below me.

they knew that

i was going to

be delivered

bad news.

our nest was

covered with white

feathers symbolizing

your goodbye.

we were never

good at those anyway.

why did you

have to migrate

to the shallow waters

in the sky,

my beautiful stork?

i’ll see you in another life, brother

Sadie Kromm is a writer, poet, & visual artist who is homestead in Ontario. She has been published by The League of Canadian Poets, Boats Against The Current, and Sybil Journal. Her work is primarily inspired by the journey of healing, mental health, and her unique relationship with animals.