Submissions are open for 2025. The Basilisk Tree will include fiction in all future issues.
Please send up to five poems or/and one story to
Please include your name in the subject line and indicate whether your submission is poetry, fiction, or both.
There is no word limit or genre requirements on fiction submissions. Genre is a tool created by corporations to manipulate the marketplace. Only quality writing matters at the Basilisk Tree. We will read fiction on any subject. No subject matter is off limits to the artist.
A cover letter is welcome but not necessary.
Include a third-person bio of fifty words or less.
Please attach your submission in a .doc(x) file.
Include your name in the title of the attached file.
Response times range from 1 hour to 1 month.
The volume of submissions and lack of staff unfortunately necessitates the use of form rejections. We appreciate your understanding.
All poems published in the online issues will be considered for an annual print anthology from New Voyage Books.
If your work is accepted at The Basilisk Tree, you agree to grant us First North American Serial Rights, all archival rights, plus the rights to reprint in any future anthologies. Upon publication all rights revert back to the author. You agree that if your poem(s) subsequently appears elsewhere (in print or online), you will give due credit to The Basilisk Tree.
Submission Guidelines