Huntress and Hunger

Rest running like a sleepless loop, tidal body,

ageing on the night hot sand,

circling like a dress about to fall off.

I sit here often and think

through someone else's eyes. Bits of fruit peel

against glory.

Glory being a good host,

warm all that way, the whole duration

of the song. I’d say you called and

shake my head at myself. Try to pull my knees down.

It's been ages.

It was today.

Then I crash through the mouths or I've just

thought about it a lot. Shaving off

the sweating dark at the crouch

of the dream.

Walking back, walk back, walk somewhere cool enough

that my wet clothes are easier to wear.

Walking myself out and thinking all the time

What do I have to cut down on? And how to live

without it?

Undone, I turn over to my left side

praying the huntress past my stomach ache

is on that side too.

I lean my head quietly

into her.

Shereen Rana (she/her) is a devotee of poetry, nature, prehistory and literature. Having made permanent residence in all forms of art, she seeks to shape some herself. Her writing delves into feelings of loneliness, anxiety, nature, time, while also trying to evoke comfort like that of a home. More of her writing can be found on @/pepsihalftimeshow on tumblr amd @/carnterm on instagram!